HOW I DISCOVERED MY POWER, revolves around Mia, an eight years-old African American girl who uses her parents’ teachings of affirmations to intrinsically motivate herself and impact the lives of her peers. Mia decides to share her love of affirmations with her teacher, Ms. Martin, who then allows Mia to lead her classmates through daily affirmations. As the story unfolds, some of Mia’s peers are not as comfortable affirming themselves as Mia is and finds the routine rather silly, leaving Mia discouraged. However, with the support of her parents and her personal affirmations, Mia finds that there is power in words and doesn’t allow herself to give up. After some time, Mia’s peers begin to express how using affirmations not only changed their way of thinking, but their perspectives on themselves and life.
Why Did I Write This Book?
As a woman who finds affirmations of the upmost importance, I thought it was fitting to write a children’s book that spoke to how I was raised and made me into the woman, mother and educator I am today. Being a Dean of Students with more than ten years of experience in and out of the classroom, I’ve seen first-hand what positive language can do for children. My hope is that through the affirmations in this book, children and their families will learn the power of speaking positive language to others and themselves. Within my career I am often exposed to children who come from broken homes, struggle with self-confidence, have a lack of motivation and little to no positive reinforcement.
My book will provide students an opportunity to learn strategies that will help them to become self-motivated, inspired, affirmed and like Mia, discover their power too.
How I Discovered My Power
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